Beautiful Perfect Capitalism No 2: Make Government Work for You
Elon isn't doing anything wrong (or novel) by having Texas do his bidding. It's just Capitalism baby.
Many years ago, a cash-poorer Tesla tugged on New York State’s heartstrings and convinced New York to build them a billion dollar plant, for free, which they never really used.
A few years ago, Elon Musk decided to build a new car plant in Texas. For this, he apparently only got $60 million in free money, but most in the know believed it to be part of a bigger, master plan - phasing out the inefficient (from a manufacturing and “I hate the government” perspective) bay area plant.
Last year, the greatest capitalist in history, Elon Musk, moved to Texas to avoid paying taxes in California.
And now, he’s getting his well earned reward from their very thankful government.
On Monday, the Texas Attorney General decided, very fairly, in the interest of all of his constituents, to come to Elon’s rescue in his flailing attempt to (personally) purchase Twitter.
(Not going to fully chronicle that here - but the gist of it is (editorialized by me) - Elon couldn’t *easily* come up with the $44 billion on the terms that he had hoped (e.g. finding buddies to pony up part of the money) and is now looking for an excuse to back out of or lower the price of the deal, which Twitter doesn’t intend to let him do after he offered a 30% premium for shares. Elon’s now doing so by claiming that he was deceived about Twitter’s value because he thinks they under-report their amount of active users; thus, the riding-in-on-a-white-horse by the Texas AG.)
This seemed to shock - absolutely shock! - lots of normies on Twitter. How could the government so brazenly assist a business? That’s not what Capitalism is about! Capitalism is about a level playing field!
I mean, grow up. This is exactly what Capitalism is - Capital uses the system to multiply its capital.
Businesses and other interested parties spend billions lobbying the government every year.
And in case you think “hey that’s not that much money”, don’t you worry - our greatest hero capitalists have a great return on investment on that spending.
So get un-flustered. The wee bit of help that Elon is getting from his friends in Texas is nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever. Is it a bit in your face? Perhaps, but Everything’s Bigger in Texas, and the lib-owning job-creating Greatest Capitalism in History is just playing the game that America loves.